Rambase's Remarkable Journey

A History of Success and Innovation


In the world of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, Rambase stands tall as a pioneer and a trailblazer. With a rich history spanning over several decades, Rambase has continuously evolved, innovated, and established itself as a trusted provider of ERP solutions. In this blog, we delve into the fascinating history of Rambase, highlighting its key milestones and achievements along the way.

1971: Importing Electrocomponents from Denmark

Rambase's story begins in 1971 when the company started importing electrocomponents from Denmark. This early venture laid the foundation for Rambase's future endeavors in the technology industry.

1974: Establishment of Jakob Hatteland Electronics

In 1974, Jakob Hatteland Electronics was established, further solidifying Rambase's presence in the technology sector. This marked an important step towards becoming a leading player in the ERP space.

1990: Pioneering EDI Standard Implementation

Recognizing the importance of electronic data interchange (EDI), Rambase became a pilot actor in the implementation of the EDI standard. This forward-thinking approach showcased Rambase's commitment to embracing technological advancements in the industry.

1992: Launch of 1st Generation RamBase ERP as a Cloud Service

In 1992, Rambase revolutionized the ERP landscape by launching the first-generation RamBase ERP system, delivered as a cloud service. This marked a significant milestone, as Rambase was at the forefront of the cloud-based ERP revolution.

1995: Establishment of Jakob Hatteland Computer AS

In 1995, Jakob Hatteland Computer AS was established, reflecting Rambase's growth and expansion. This move further solidified Rambase's position as a prominent player in the ERP market.

1996-1998: Expansion into 8 European Countries

During this period, Rambase successfully implemented the first-generation RamBase ERP system in eight European countries. This expansion showcased Rambase's ability to cater to diverse markets and adapt its solutions to meet various business needs.

2000: Development of 2nd Generation RamBase

Rambase continued its commitment to innovation by developing the second-generation RamBase ERP system. This new version offered enhanced functionalities and was successfully implemented by companies such as Arrow and Microtronica in the Nordic region.

2002: Opening of Fjellhallen Data Center

Rambase demonstrated its dedication to data security and reliability by opening the Fjellhallen Data Center. With Tier 4 security standards, this data center became one of Europe's safest facilities, ensuring the protection and availability of critical business data.

2005: Launch of RamBase Internet Client

In 2005, Rambase launched the third-generation RamBase ERP system, known as RamBase Internet Client. This web-based interface brought increased accessibility and ease of use to users, empowering them to manage their ERP processes efficiently.

2017: AutoStore Sale and Focus on RamBase

In 2017, Rambase sold its subsidiary AutoStore, allowing the company to focus exclusively on the development and growth of the RamBase ERP system. This strategic move demonstrated Rambase's commitment to providing a best-in-class ERP solution.

2018: Expansion of Partner Network to Norway, Sweden, and the UK

Continuing its growth trajectory, Rambase expanded its partner network to include Norway, Sweden, and the UK in 2018. This expansion enabled Rambase to leverage the expertise and local presence of partners in these regions, further strengthening its market position.

2019: Development and Partner Network Establishment in Poland

Recognizing the potential in the Polish market, Rambase focused on developing its solutions and establishing a partner network in Poland. This strategic move allowed Rambase to cater to the specific needs of Polish businesses and expand its customer base.

2020: Recognition by Gartner and Establishing RamBase SP z.o.o. in Poland

In 2020, Rambase achieved significant recognition by receiving an honorable mention in Gartner's quadrant for product-centric cloud ERP. This acknowledgment validated Rambase's commitment to delivering innovative and reliable ERP solutions. Additionally, Rambase established RamBase SP z.o.o. in Poland, strengthening its presence in the country and supporting its growing customer base.

2021: Further Recognition by Gartner and Ongoing Growth

Rambase's dedication to excellence was once again acknowledged in 2021 with a second honorable mention in Gartner's updated report. This recognition solidified Rambase's position as a leading provider of product-centric cloud ERP solutions. With ongoing growth and expansion, Rambase continued to serve a growing customer base, both domestically and internationally.


Rambase's history is one of continuous innovation, growth, and adaptability. From its humble beginnings in importing electrocomponents to becoming a prominent player in the ERP industry, Rambase has consistently embraced technological advancements and customer-centric solutions. With its cloud-based ERP systems, comprehensive functionalities, and strategic partnerships, Rambase continues to empower businesses across various industries to optimize their operations and achieve sustainable growth.

As Rambase looks toward the future, its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and staying at the forefront of technology will undoubtedly drive its success. With a rich history as a foundation, Rambase remains poised to shape the future of ERP systems and revolutionize how businesses operate in an increasingly interconnected world.

Rambase offers a comprehensive range of ERP solutions from Hundred Solutions

Rambase's Remarkable Journey
Hundred Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Aditi Manglesh 25. mars 2024
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